Summer Quartets!
This summer we will be offering string quartet coaching. Several of our strings teachers have agreed to coach from one to several string quartets over the summer. Students may form their own quartet or TCM will match students up together into a quartet. Quartets may consist of two violins, a cello and a bass, three violins and a cello, four cellos, four violins, four basses, whatever you would like to match up together. Larger ensembles may also be created such as quintets, sextets, etc. The requirement is that there must be at least four students in a group.

Groups will work out their own rehearsal schedules. They will meet six times from June 3rd to August10th. The summer is a crazy time for families with vacations, summer camps, family reunions, etc. so sometimes creating a weekly rehearsal schedule can be challenging for all involved. This is why each group will come together before the summer begins and work out a schedule where everyone will be available for six one-hour rehearsal sessions.
Quartet Concert
On August 10th we will be holding a quartet recital where each quartet will be able to showcase the pieces they have been working on all summer. Students and teachers will decide on pieces prior to the first rehearsal.

Summer Quartets are $195 per student.
Registration open until the end of May..