Lil' Mozart's
Preschool Music ClassAges (3-5)
Taught by veteran cello player, Allison Bohn this is THE class to be in to introduce your child to the widest variety of musical instruments. Allison will introduce your student to the timpani, symphonic bass drum, gong, suspended cymbals, crashing cymbals, wind chimes, glockenspiel, drum set, piano, bass, cello, viola, violin, guitar and ukulele as well as a wide range of other percussion instruments. Each week your child will be introduced to a new set of instruments and enjoy playing musical games. Guest Musicians will also be introduced to the class ons some of the weeks to play their instrument of for the class. By the end of this class your child will have had the opportunity to play every one of these instruments, hear them played by experienced musicians, and have a general understanding of notes, what they are and how they are played.
This is an 8 week class that will be meeting weekly on Wednesdays at from 10-10:45 am starting February 9th, 2022. Registration for this class will be held Wednesday, February 2nd from 5-6pm in the TCM Orchestra Room. Parents and students will have a chance to meet Allison Bohn, fill out paperwork and ask questions.
Tuition for this 8 week class is $125 per student
If you are interested please contact our director, Brad Bohn by either texting him or calling him at 951-710-4330.
It's going to be awesome!